3 अप्रैल 2010


Life dealt them with many a hard blow...
But it never diminished their inherent glow!
A purpose to be extremely proud of,
A reason to be always happy and laugh!
An intoxicated affair with life as a whole,
A mysterious relationship with one's own soul.
A well balanced approach pregnant with equanimity,
Equal attention to both the self and society.
Goal followed by effort followed by another goal...
Little concern for the consequences or the toll!
Placing a positive interpretation on every event,
No time to regret, worry or repent!
A single minded pursuit worthy of intense admiration,
Based on self-discovery & leading to true elation!
A life of meaning and harmony...
Far away from the world of money.
Many more lives they are certain to inspire,
Tearing them away from being a victim of banal desire.
No chances of a break-down whatsoever...
Enthusiasm and passion more than the need to be clever!
No chances of giving in to adversity...
Always turning around a situation with positivity!
That, in a nutshell, is the story of Flow,
Always on a high and never once low!

- Taken from 'Flow' by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Thanks Nimmy for this poem.

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