Bellchimes jangle, freakish wind
Whistles icy out of desert lands
over the mountains. Janus, Lord
of winter and beginnings, riven
and shaken, with two faces,
watcher at the gates of winds and cities,
god of the wakeful:
keep me from coldhanded envy,
and petty anger. Open
my soul to the vast
dark places. Say to me, say again
nothing is taken, only given.
--- Ursula K. Le Guin
USA लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
USA लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
31 जनवरी 2025
2 फ़रवरी 2024
We Have Not Long to Love
We have not long to love.
Light does not stay.
The tender things are those
we fold away.
In silence I have watched you
comb your hair.
Intimate the silence,
dim and warm.
I could but did not, reach
to touch your arm.
I could, but do not, break
that which is still.
(Almost the faintest whisper
would be shrill.)
So moments pass as though
they wished to stay.
We have not long to love.
A night. A day....
Light does not stay.
The tender things are those
we fold away.
Coarse fabrics are the ones
for common wear.
for common wear.
In silence I have watched you
comb your hair.
Intimate the silence,
dim and warm.
I could but did not, reach
to touch your arm.
I could, but do not, break
that which is still.
(Almost the faintest whisper
would be shrill.)
So moments pass as though
they wished to stay.
We have not long to love.
A night. A day....
23 मई 2023
One Art
The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident
the art of losing’s not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
--- Elizabeth Bishop
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident
the art of losing’s not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
--- Elizabeth Bishop
24 मार्च 2023
स्वर्ग की सराय
लाखों मारे गए, जबकि हर कोई निर्दोष था।
मैं अपने कमरे तक महदूद था।
मैं अपने कमरे तक महदूद था।
राष्ट्राध्यक्ष ने युद्ध का ऐसा बखान किया
आईने में मेरा चेहरा ऐसा लगा मुझे
गोया मैं कोई डाक टिकट हूँ
जिसे डाकख़ाने ने दो बार रद्द कर दिया हो।
मैं ठीक से रहा, लेकिन ज़िंदगी भयानक थी।
उस दिन कितने सारे सैनिक थे
और शरणार्थियों की अपार भीड़ थी सड़क पर।
ज़ाहिर है, वे सब मिटा दिए गए
उँगली की एक हरकत से।
इतिहास ने अपने मुँह के ख़ून लगे कोरों को धीरे से चाट लिया।
बिके हुए चैनल पर, एक आदमी और एक औरत
कामातुर चुम्बनों में लीन थे
और एक दूसरे के कपडे फाड़े जा रहे थे
जबकि मैं चुपचाप देखता जा रहा था
आवाज़ बंद कर—कमरे के अँधेरे में
बस स्क्रीन रह-रह चमक उठती थी
जहाँ बहुत ज़्यादा था सुर्ख़ लाल रंग
या ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा रंग गुलाबी।
- चार्ल्स सिमिक
अँग्रेज़ी से अनुवाद : सत्यार्थ अनिरुद्ध पंकज
जैसे हो कोई जादुई प्रेम-रस।
मेरी आँखें आश्चर्य से खुली की खुली रह गई थीं।
मेरी आँखें आश्चर्य से खुली की खुली रह गई थीं।
आईने में मेरा चेहरा ऐसा लगा मुझे
गोया मैं कोई डाक टिकट हूँ
जिसे डाकख़ाने ने दो बार रद्द कर दिया हो।
मैं ठीक से रहा, लेकिन ज़िंदगी भयानक थी।
उस दिन कितने सारे सैनिक थे
और शरणार्थियों की अपार भीड़ थी सड़क पर।
ज़ाहिर है, वे सब मिटा दिए गए
उँगली की एक हरकत से।
इतिहास ने अपने मुँह के ख़ून लगे कोरों को धीरे से चाट लिया।
बिके हुए चैनल पर, एक आदमी और एक औरत
कामातुर चुम्बनों में लीन थे
और एक दूसरे के कपडे फाड़े जा रहे थे
जबकि मैं चुपचाप देखता जा रहा था
आवाज़ बंद कर—कमरे के अँधेरे में
बस स्क्रीन रह-रह चमक उठती थी
जहाँ बहुत ज़्यादा था सुर्ख़ लाल रंग
या ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा रंग गुलाबी।
- चार्ल्स सिमिक
अँग्रेज़ी से अनुवाद : सत्यार्थ अनिरुद्ध पंकज
25 अक्टूबर 2022
The moon did not become the sun.
It just fell on the desert
in great sheets, reams
of silver handmade by you.
The night is your cottage industry now,
the day is your brisk emporium.
The world is full of paper.
Write to me.
--- Agha Shahid Ali
(The Half-Inch Himalayas, 1987)
It just fell on the desert
in great sheets, reams
of silver handmade by you.
The night is your cottage industry now,
the day is your brisk emporium.
The world is full of paper.
Write to me.
--- Agha Shahid Ali
(The Half-Inch Himalayas, 1987)
10 जून 2021
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
---Langston Hughes
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
5 अगस्त 2019
आग़ा शाहिद अली की कविताएं
मैदानों के मौसम
कश्मीर में, जहां साल में
चार चिन्हित अलग-अलग मौसम होते हैं
अम्मी अपने लखनऊ के मैदानी इलाके में बीते बचपन की बात करती हैं
और उस मौसम की भी,
जब कृष्ण की बांसुरी
जमुना के किनारों पर सुनाई देती है.
वह बनारस के ठुमरी गायकों के पुराने रिकार्ड्स बजाया करती थीं—
सिद्धेश्वरी और रसूलन,
उनकी आवाजों में चाह होती,
जब भी बादल जमा होते,
उस अदृश्य, नीले भगवान के लिए. बिछोह
संभव नहीं है जब बारिशें आती हैं,
उनके हर गीत में यह होता था.
जब बच्चे दौड़ते थे गलियों में
अपनी अपनी उष्णता को भिंगोते हुए,
प्रेमियों के बीच
चिट्ठियां बदल ली जाती थीं.
हीर-रांझा और दूसरे कई किस्से,
उनका प्रेम, कुफ़्र.
और फिर सारी रात जलते हुए खुशबू की तरह
होता जवाब का इंतजार. अम्मी
हीर का दर्द गुनगुनाती थीं
पर मुझसे कभी नहीं कहा
कि क्या उन्होंने भी जैस्मिन की अगरबत्तियां
जलाईं जो, खाक होते हुए,
राख की छोटी मुलायम चोटियां
बनाती जाती हैं. मैं कल्पना करता था कि
हर चोटी उमस भरी हवा पर
लद जाती है.
अम्मी बस इतना कहती थीं :
मानसून कभी पहाड़ों को फांद कर
कश्मीर नहीं आता.
चांदनी चौक, दिल्ली
इस गर्मी के चौराहे को निगल जाओ
और फिर मानसून का इंतजार करो.
बारिश की सूइयां
जीभ पर पिघल जाती हैं. थोड़ी दूर
और जाओगे? सूखे की एक याद
जकड़ती है तुमको : तुम्हें याद आता है
भूखे शब्दों का स्वाद
और तुमने नमक के अक्षर चबाए थे.
क्या तुम इस शहर को पाक कर सकते हो
जो कटी हुई जीभ पर खून की तरह जज्ब होता है?
कश्मीर से आया ख़त
कश्मीर सिमट जाता है मेरे मेलबॉक्स में.
चार गुने छह का सुलझा हुआ मेरा घर.
मुझे साफ चीजों से प्यार था हमेशा. अब
मेरे हाथों में है आधा इंच हिमालय.
ये घर है. और ये सबसे करीब
जहां मैं हूं अपने घर से. जब मैं लौटूंगा,
ये रंग इतने बेहतरीन नहीं होंगे,
झेलम का पानी इतना साफ,
इतना गहरा नीला. मेरी मुहब्बत
इतनी जाहिर.
और मेरी याद धुंधली होगी थोड़ी
उसमे एक बड़ा नेगेटिव,
काला और सफेद, अभी भी पूरा रौशन नहीं.
---आग़ा शाहिद अली
अनुवाद और प्रस्तुति : अंचित
कश्मीर में, जहां साल में
चार चिन्हित अलग-अलग मौसम होते हैं
अम्मी अपने लखनऊ के मैदानी इलाके में बीते बचपन की बात करती हैं
और उस मौसम की भी,
जब कृष्ण की बांसुरी
जमुना के किनारों पर सुनाई देती है.
वह बनारस के ठुमरी गायकों के पुराने रिकार्ड्स बजाया करती थीं—
सिद्धेश्वरी और रसूलन,
उनकी आवाजों में चाह होती,
जब भी बादल जमा होते,
उस अदृश्य, नीले भगवान के लिए. बिछोह
संभव नहीं है जब बारिशें आती हैं,
उनके हर गीत में यह होता था.
जब बच्चे दौड़ते थे गलियों में
अपनी अपनी उष्णता को भिंगोते हुए,
प्रेमियों के बीच
चिट्ठियां बदल ली जाती थीं.
हीर-रांझा और दूसरे कई किस्से,
उनका प्रेम, कुफ़्र.
और फिर सारी रात जलते हुए खुशबू की तरह
होता जवाब का इंतजार. अम्मी
हीर का दर्द गुनगुनाती थीं
पर मुझसे कभी नहीं कहा
कि क्या उन्होंने भी जैस्मिन की अगरबत्तियां
जलाईं जो, खाक होते हुए,
राख की छोटी मुलायम चोटियां
बनाती जाती हैं. मैं कल्पना करता था कि
हर चोटी उमस भरी हवा पर
लद जाती है.
अम्मी बस इतना कहती थीं :
मानसून कभी पहाड़ों को फांद कर
कश्मीर नहीं आता.
चांदनी चौक, दिल्ली
इस गर्मी के चौराहे को निगल जाओ
और फिर मानसून का इंतजार करो.
बारिश की सूइयां
जीभ पर पिघल जाती हैं. थोड़ी दूर
और जाओगे? सूखे की एक याद
जकड़ती है तुमको : तुम्हें याद आता है
भूखे शब्दों का स्वाद
और तुमने नमक के अक्षर चबाए थे.
क्या तुम इस शहर को पाक कर सकते हो
जो कटी हुई जीभ पर खून की तरह जज्ब होता है?
कश्मीर से आया ख़त
कश्मीर सिमट जाता है मेरे मेलबॉक्स में.
चार गुने छह का सुलझा हुआ मेरा घर.
मुझे साफ चीजों से प्यार था हमेशा. अब
मेरे हाथों में है आधा इंच हिमालय.
ये घर है. और ये सबसे करीब
जहां मैं हूं अपने घर से. जब मैं लौटूंगा,
ये रंग इतने बेहतरीन नहीं होंगे,
झेलम का पानी इतना साफ,
इतना गहरा नीला. मेरी मुहब्बत
इतनी जाहिर.
और मेरी याद धुंधली होगी थोड़ी
उसमे एक बड़ा नेगेटिव,
काला और सफेद, अभी भी पूरा रौशन नहीं.
---आग़ा शाहिद अली
अनुवाद और प्रस्तुति : अंचित
4 फ़रवरी 2018
The Country Without a Post Office
Again I’ve returned to this country
where a minaret has been entombed.
Someone soaks the wicks of clay lamps
in mustard oil, each night climbs its steps
to read messages scratched on planets.
His fingerprints cancel bank stamps
in that archive for letters with doomed
addresses, each house buried or empty.
Empty? Because so many fled, ran away,
and became refugees there, in the plains,
where they must now will a final dewfall
to turn the mountains to glass. They’ll see
us through them—see us frantically bury
houses to save them from fire that, like a wall
caves in. The soldiers light it, hone the flames,
burn our world to sudden papier-mâché
inlaid with gold, then ash. When the muezzin
died, the city was robbed of every Call.
The houses were swept about like leaves
for burning. Now every night we bury
our houses—theirs, the ones left empty.
We are faithful. On their doors we hang wreaths.
More faithful each night fire again is a wall
and we look for the dark as it caves in.
“We’re inside the fire, looking for the dark,”
one card lying on the street says, “I want
to be he who pours blood. To soak your hands.
Or I’ll leave mine in the cold till the rain
is ink, and my fingers, at the edge of pain,
are seals all night to cancel the stamps.”
The mad guide! The lost speak like this. They haunt
a country when it is ash. Phantom heart,
pray he’s alive. I have returned in rain
to find him, to learn why he never wrote.
I’ve brought cash, a currency of paisleys
to buy the new stamps, rare already, blank,
no nation named on them. Without a lamp
I look for him in houses buried, empty—
He may be alive, opening doors of smoke,
breathing in the dark his ash-refrain:
“Everything is finished, nothing remains.”
I must force silence to be a mirror
to see his voice again for directions.
Fire runs in waves. Should I cross that river?
Each post office is boarded up. Who will deliver
parchment cut in paisleys, my news to prisons?
Only silence can now trace my letters
to him. Or in a dead office the dark panes.
“The entire map of the lost will be candled.
I’m keeper of the minaret since the muezzin died.
Come soon, I’m alive. There’s almost a paisley
against the light, sometimes white, then black.
The glutinous wash is wet on its back
as it blossoms into autumn’s final country—
Buy it, I issue it only once, at night.
Come before I’m killed, my voice canceled.”
In this dark rain, be faithful, Phantom heart,
this is your pain. Feel it. You must feel it.
“Nothing will remain, everything’s finished,”
I see his voice again: “This is a shrine
of words. You’ll find your letters to me. And mine
to you. Come soon and tear open these vanished
envelopes.” And reach the minaret:
I’m inside the fire. I have found the dark.
This is your pain. You must feel it. Feel it,
Heart, be faithful to his mad refrain—
For he soaked the wicks of clay lamps,
lit them each night as he climbed these steps
to read messages scratched on planets.
His hands were seals to cancel the stamps.
This is an archive. I’ve found the remains
of his voice, that map of longings with no limit.
I read them, letters of lovers, the mad ones,
and mine to him from whom no answers came.
I light lamps, send my answers, Calls to Prayer
to deaf worlds across continents. And my lament
is cries countless, cries like dead letters sent
to this world whose end was near, always near.
My words go out in huge packages of rain,
go there, to addresses, across the oceans.
It’s raining as I write this. I have no prayer.
It’s just a shout, held in, It’s Us! It’s Us!
whose letters are cries that break like bodies
in prisons. Now each night in the minaret
I guide myself up the steps. Mad silhouette,
I throw paisleys to clouds. The lost are like this:
They bribe the air for dawn, this their dark
But there’s no sun here. There is no sun here.
Then be pitiless you whom I could not save—
Send your cries to me, if only in this way:
I’ve found a prisoner’s letters to a lover—
One begins: “These words may never reach you.”
Another ends: “The skin dissolves in dew
without your touch.” And I want to answer:
I want to live forever. What else can I say?
It rains as I write this. Mad heart, be brave.
---Agha Shahid Ali
Again I’ve returned to this country
where a minaret has been entombed.
Someone soaks the wicks of clay lamps
in mustard oil, each night climbs its steps
to read messages scratched on planets.
His fingerprints cancel bank stamps
in that archive for letters with doomed
addresses, each house buried or empty.
Empty? Because so many fled, ran away,
and became refugees there, in the plains,
where they must now will a final dewfall
to turn the mountains to glass. They’ll see
us through them—see us frantically bury
houses to save them from fire that, like a wall
caves in. The soldiers light it, hone the flames,
burn our world to sudden papier-mâché
inlaid with gold, then ash. When the muezzin
died, the city was robbed of every Call.
The houses were swept about like leaves
for burning. Now every night we bury
our houses—theirs, the ones left empty.
We are faithful. On their doors we hang wreaths.
More faithful each night fire again is a wall
and we look for the dark as it caves in.
“We’re inside the fire, looking for the dark,”
one card lying on the street says, “I want
to be he who pours blood. To soak your hands.
Or I’ll leave mine in the cold till the rain
is ink, and my fingers, at the edge of pain,
are seals all night to cancel the stamps.”
The mad guide! The lost speak like this. They haunt
a country when it is ash. Phantom heart,
pray he’s alive. I have returned in rain
to find him, to learn why he never wrote.
I’ve brought cash, a currency of paisleys
to buy the new stamps, rare already, blank,
no nation named on them. Without a lamp
I look for him in houses buried, empty—
He may be alive, opening doors of smoke,
breathing in the dark his ash-refrain:
“Everything is finished, nothing remains.”
I must force silence to be a mirror
to see his voice again for directions.
Fire runs in waves. Should I cross that river?
Each post office is boarded up. Who will deliver
parchment cut in paisleys, my news to prisons?
Only silence can now trace my letters
to him. Or in a dead office the dark panes.
“The entire map of the lost will be candled.
I’m keeper of the minaret since the muezzin died.
Come soon, I’m alive. There’s almost a paisley
against the light, sometimes white, then black.
The glutinous wash is wet on its back
as it blossoms into autumn’s final country—
Buy it, I issue it only once, at night.
Come before I’m killed, my voice canceled.”
In this dark rain, be faithful, Phantom heart,
this is your pain. Feel it. You must feel it.
“Nothing will remain, everything’s finished,”
I see his voice again: “This is a shrine
of words. You’ll find your letters to me. And mine
to you. Come soon and tear open these vanished
envelopes.” And reach the minaret:
I’m inside the fire. I have found the dark.
This is your pain. You must feel it. Feel it,
Heart, be faithful to his mad refrain—
For he soaked the wicks of clay lamps,
lit them each night as he climbed these steps
to read messages scratched on planets.
His hands were seals to cancel the stamps.
This is an archive. I’ve found the remains
of his voice, that map of longings with no limit.
I read them, letters of lovers, the mad ones,
and mine to him from whom no answers came.
I light lamps, send my answers, Calls to Prayer
to deaf worlds across continents. And my lament
is cries countless, cries like dead letters sent
to this world whose end was near, always near.
My words go out in huge packages of rain,
go there, to addresses, across the oceans.
It’s raining as I write this. I have no prayer.
It’s just a shout, held in, It’s Us! It’s Us!
whose letters are cries that break like bodies
in prisons. Now each night in the minaret
I guide myself up the steps. Mad silhouette,
I throw paisleys to clouds. The lost are like this:
They bribe the air for dawn, this their dark
But there’s no sun here. There is no sun here.
Then be pitiless you whom I could not save—
Send your cries to me, if only in this way:
I’ve found a prisoner’s letters to a lover—
One begins: “These words may never reach you.”
Another ends: “The skin dissolves in dew
without your touch.” And I want to answer:
I want to live forever. What else can I say?
It rains as I write this. Mad heart, be brave.
---Agha Shahid Ali
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