10 जून 2019

Questioning Your Feminism

By those immaculate efforts
Of our handsome Bodhisattva
We both have acquired
The privilege of reading and writing
In our country
Where our ancestors were invisibilized
In the pages of history

Then we entered
Into white-collar professions
You married to a Brahmin man
I married to a Brahmin girl

We both have begotten children
You did his Mundan and
Performed Satyanarayana's Puja

I recited Pancheel at the birthday
Of my girl child

Later as your child grew up
He voted for the religion
My girl voted for principles

Of course, his candidate won

Tell me
In what theory of feminism
I should understand
The politics of womb
In Caste society?

---Yogesh Maitreya

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