I was born with agonies
I will die with griefs
(I want) (you) to write my agonies
up on my gravestone
I will climb on a mountain
I will get down in the dark caves
my eyes to extinguish
not to be able to see the sun
I will get down in the garden
to those dewy flowers
to that scarlet rose
to that early white basil.
Original Text:
So maki sum se rodil jas
So zalosti jas ke si umram
Makite da mi gi napisite
Ozgora na grobot moj.
Ke se kacam na planina
Ke slezam v temni pesteri
Ocite da mi paraldisaat
Sonceto da ne go vidam
Ke slezam dolu v gul bavca,
Kaj tie rosni cvekinja
Kaj toj katmer alov trendafil
Kaj toj ran bel bosilok.
- Toše Proeski
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